HAPPY NEW YEAR!! There we go again....

 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! There we go again.....                                       Jan 7, 2022

Happy New Year!  

OMG, OMICRON! That’s what we seem to be ringing in this new year-  2022. The same fear, the same panic…the television channels are trying their best to add fuel to the fire I must say! And, are they successful? Yep! There we go again, guys…

Guys, it's ok.  Breathe! Think for a second.  We have dealt with the Big Guy! The first wave, the second wave (Delta). This is a smaller version, and many more are yet to come, like the bouts of cold and flu we deal with every change of season. Do we go over the top? No!  Stop! Breathe! Think! 

Yes, it’s a new situation and we deal with many in our lives daily.   So? How do we do it?  Hit the panic button? No, not most of the time. Pros n Cons,  right? Do it guys.  Pros.  We are double vaccinated. Well, most of us. We are more informed than the first time around.  We have better immunity.  We won't close down again. We have learned to deal with it in other ways. Vaccines and medicines are available.  Most have survived (compared to the population and the resources that are available to us.)  We have done a great job as a nation collectively and individually.  Hats off to us!! We did better than the so-called ‘Developed Nations’.  So pat your backs, guys.

Cons. Our population, our resources, our literacy, our finances…etc (we still did well!) It's taxing us mentally, physically, and emotionally (It’s the same for the whole of the human race dealing with it…so negated!) You can add in all the negativity that the channels and their informed guests bring in. ( Can't deny, some good guy trying to give us some Good-News story at the end!) Phew!

All in all the pros outweigh the cons! So chill guys.. like some lady Dr on a channel mentioned, don’t stop living.   Many more such viruses are going to come.  We have to learn to deal with it positively. Let's not leave a world that is scared and weak for the coming generation. (We had a baby boom in the lockdown period.  Can't deny it!)

Let's put on that smile(behind that mask of course!) carry our sanitizers, maintain social distancing, get tested when in doubt (self-test kits available now) if infected get treated without panic, and move on with our lives.

Add in a Hug, whenever possible, say I Love You often, take the phone and talk, meet safely.  Let's live life to the fullest.  Be aware, conscious, brave, and in the present. We still have a long way to go and many more examples to set for the next generation to follow(History is being made guys! And we are a part of it)  So celebrate life, live it well…hang in there with a smile.

Stay safe, stay connected, stay brave…Luv u!

 This too shall pass…Adio’s


  1. Vibha halpeth- well the ones who have gone through it will look at it from a different perspective as they know what the real covid is but however as you said everything is in the mind.

  2. Yes, live life but lend a sympathetic ear to people who have lost so much. Stay safe and take care

  3. Well expressed. True we have to live with the different forms of the virus infact we have learnt to live as we have no choice. And every wave is giving better results so that will help us to overcome this situation

  4. There needs to be a practical and realistic approach to face, defeat or accept the situation we are in.
    1: Get Vaccinated
    Become vaccinated against COVID-19 if you haven't yet or get a second shot if you have already taken the first.
    Coming into the new year, we face the very real possibility that COVID will be with us for a long time, plus we might be reeling from the spikes of infections due to holiday gatherings. Let’s make sure that we protect ourselves, colleagues, families, and our friends. The vaccine is still the age-old, tried-and-true method of protection and prevention.

    2: Support Vaccination Efforts
    Become a vaccine advocate and promote the vaccine to members of your family, friends, colleagues, and the community etc.

    3: Support Your Immune System
    Treat your body well by enhancing your own immune system. Your immune system is like a complex and delicate piece of machinery, and it needs to be nurtured and kept up to date with preventive maintenance and repairs!

    4: Exercise
    Here’s one that you might make every year. Exercise is the one thing that is always recommended as a technique to slow the effects of aging and boost your immunity. It need not mean extreme exercise but a simple jog or walk daily should suffice.

    5: Mind Your Microbiome
    Be mindful of your diet because your inner population of organisms is exceedingly important to your immune system. No vaccine will work if your inner microbiome is disturbed. Ingestion of antibiotics, unneeded medicines, and harmful drugs will work to decrease or even eliminate the organisms upon which your microbiome depends. Use probiotics on a regular basis under the advice of your doctor. A simple dish of yogurt daily should help.

    6: Meditate
    Learn to meditate. Relaxation recharges your inner battery, and nothing helps the immune response more than learning to rest and relax. Yoga or any other mode of inner peace can help fight stress, diseases, and infections.

    7: Fight Misinformation
    Overcome misinformation about your immune system and vaccines. Avoid disinformation at all costs as it is like a purposeful attack on scientific facts. Do not use ‘google’ for your medical advice.

    Here are some strategies that we can utilize to rejoice, recreate, and rejuvenate for the new year.
    1. Engage and relate to other people.
    2. Find fulfillment in creativity and productivity.
    3. Look beyond oneself and help others find lasting meaning and satisfaction.
    4. Practice daily mindfulness and gratitude.
    5. Bring to your awareness and practice healthier and cleaner nutrition.
    6. Immerse yourself in nature.
    7. Unplug from electronics and the virtual world.
    8. Create fun and joyful moments with your family and friends.
    9. Ask yourself, "what do I enjoy?" and engage in it regularly.
    10.If you have a passion, immerse yourself in it.
    11.Give to others.
    12.Generate internal positivity by seeking and affirming the good in your life.

    Practicing the above can enhance mood, positive emotions, mental health, life satisfaction, and motivation in all of us.

    Wishing you, your family and your loved ones a Safe, Healthy, and happy new year!

  5. Thank you Vijay🤗As usual enlightening! Highly appreciate your contribution to my thought process.💯

  6. Very well expressed and yes celebrate life (live today) with a positive attitude and keep safe


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