Cling! I wake up to the notification sound of my WhatsApp.   “Good Morning” forwards from FRIENDS! Now a very common term for people on your contact list. The most awaited messages.  I reply with my standard ‘Good morning’, adding in an emoji to depict how I feel that morning.  That’s it.   Then it's Insta and Fb check inns. My response, a like, an emoji, or a small one-word comment at the most!  End of the conversation.  I move on with my day.  I believe it’s the same scene (it’s a scene now!)with most of us and this scene is mostly from our bed or our toilet seat.  Honest!

We seem to have lost the ability to converse.  We are too busy /lazy for anything more. This applies to everyone in our lives.  No matter where they stand on the priority list.  Parents, spouse, friends, acquaintances, group members (we are part of many), and whosoever.  We can’t use sound; we can’t talk face to face.  We are more comfortable texting.

  The truth is we won’t /can’t face direct reactions from the other person.  We feel safe in our chatrooms where we have the option to leave in an instant.  We can run.   The door is just a click away! No need for explanations, no clarifications, just leave when we want to.  Leaving the other person angry, sad, frustrated, confused anything!  We don’t care. We leave. Period. Our freedom. Our choice.

The same applies to happy scenes.  (Now all the more during these covid times, still on, when our ‘touch’ is only via social media).  The response to a happy event is Congratulations!, WOW!, Thank you!, Great!, Happy Birthday/anniversary! etc. thrown in with a few emojis.  Then shut down and detach. Possible only in our virtual worlds.   The real world is much different. 

In this era where communication technology is at its best (read cheap) and any distance can be traversed in seconds, it’s a pity that the distance between our hearts has only increased. Communication is ineffective and has led to a breakdown in many a relationship.  With so much free TALK TIME we are not talking.  We are escaping to our virtual worlds where we can shut down and detach.  This is the sad truth.

I wish I could” Hear” from my friend more often or could converse more with my friend in evening talks.  I know I sound ‘RETRO’! I know many of you think differently. But I am sure many agree. 

 Sound is nature’s way of connecting. The waves, the wind, the rustling of the leaves and so much more.

Can we connect again? With sound?  Let us talk and converse.   Let us say …I miss you; I love you, I am angry/sad, whatever.  Let’s say/hear it.   Let us use sound to feel the other’s joy, ecstasy, and pain. Let us meet and warm each other’s hearts with these sounds, safely through phone calls.  Maintain social distancing but reduce the distance between our hearts.

I believe sound waves can recreate the magic if we are ready to go back a little in time.  Speak a little, hear a little.

My thoughts are my conversations with you….

Hope you ‘HEAR’ them.






  1. Retro definitely is gold standard, the joy of meeting in person is alway the best

  2. True we all have forgotten to converse and connect inperson and prefer to follow chatbox modes and need to actually connect Well written

  3. Throughout the last couple of decades, our ability to connect with people around the globe has exploded. Initially, the internet allowed us to chat, join newsgroups, or email anyone in the world. The invention of cellphones allowed us to talk to people when we were away from our desks and outside of our homes.
    Then, social networks allowed us to connect with our neighbors, childhood pals, college buddies, and coworkers with a click of a button. Finally, smartphones made it easier than ever to connect with anyone we wanted around the clock.

    So we should be feeling good about our social lives, right? After all, never in the history of the universe has communicating with people been so simple and accessible.

    Unfortunately, however, the internet hasn't helped us feel more connected with anyone.
    We have become more lonely, isolated and feeling less connected than ever during this digital age.
    Hence our relationships have grown more superficial and the emphasis is on the quantity of relationships, not quality.

    We have practically lost the art and pleasure of offline conversation.....


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