As I watched the news on a particular channel, that ended with a good news story, my lips curled in a slight smile.  Hope, in these times, seemed rather alien a thought.  I pondered on these two words. Hope and Hopelessness.

These words, I believe resonates with each one of us.  We find ourselves oscillating from one to the other many times in our lives.  Sometimes, many a time each day. 

In this still new (although more than a year old now) covid situation, can we be blamed?

After all, hope and hopelessness has never been alien to civilization. They have been a constant with humanity.

From HOPELESSNESS to HOPE and vice-versa is a journey that all of us have taken time and again. These feelings walk together. Thanks to the uncertainties that we are facing today (It was always there, but not as much!) every situation seems overwhelming.   We seem to be taking this journey more often.   With no end in sight this journey though, tougher each day needs to be looked at differently now, more than ever.

I look at it this way.

 Hopelessness and Hope are connected to each other with a bridge called BELIEF which makes the passage back and forth bearable.  This belief stems from that which has been instilled in us through our culture and upbringing.  I term it as FAITH.  Faith comes from the belief in “The Almighty”. Go ahead, and give it a name that suits your belief system.

It is this the belief that we hang on to when we face rough weather (our log).  The stronger the log (Belief) more the chances of us staying afloat.  Our eyes are set on the lighthouse that will bring a ship to us.  We do our best, hang in there and, we are through.  If this belief is weak, that means the log isn’t strong enough to hold on to.  Negativity and hopelessness reign, giving birth to anxiety and depression that may ultimately drown our souls.

To hold on to also means to be patient.  Understand that things won’t always work out the way we perceive but, will ultimately turn out fine. To trust the unpredictability and, not fear it. Accept it, and we will be fine. Do what we can, hold on, not trying to change what we can’t.  A seed will sprout when it is time. Overwatering won’t hasten the process, instead will cause decay.  This is the law of nature. Do our bit and wait.  This our children, who belong to an era of instant gratification must learn.

In these trying times let’s try to keep this faith (belief) strong so that, we hang on patiently till a ship comes by.  Not losing sight of the lighthouse that will guide the ship to us.   Let’s try to instill this faith and acceptance in our children so that they hang in there, in faith…

HOPELESSNESS > <_____< BELIEF >______> <HOPE

Take this journey as many times but, make it a confident one with faith, patience, acceptance and belief by your side…..BON VOYAGE.







  1. True.. A must read for all Generation.

  2. Very well written .keep it up

  3. Absulutly true….I think this is story of mineπŸ‘πŸ»

  4. The bridge that joins these two words has a thin line, which can either break a person or make a person...it's the Faith, that brings us out of the situation and gives us the Hope in life!!

  5. Well expressed. Hope, trust and patience are required in every situation not only covid. Covid taught us many practical approaches like online cnnectivity. Its true that all want only fast success and noone has patience but patience hard work and belief is a key to success. Your blog will definitely be hepful for all

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good job Suja, keep it up

  8. Great writing.. I think the message here can provide hope during challenging times.

  9. Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic... 😊😊

  10. Never lose faith. Very true. A good message.

  11. Hope is a normal feeling to look in to the future, hopelessness which is different, though carrying the feeling of loss of meaning and purpose - is not normal.

    Unrealistic hope leads to a feeling of dejection and a loss of meaning in life.

    Stay blessed.


  12. Well articulated connecting and overcoming hopelessness with hope by a bridge called 'Belief' which is erected on 'Faith' and using 'patience' to protect the bridge from strong winds and waves.

    On a different note and without being insensitive, a different thought process surfaces:
    It is said that 'those who live on hope, die of hunger'!

    Hope comes with fear of failure. Without Hope there is no Hopelessness and hence no failure anxiety. Lets Hope less!
    A belief system is subjective and hence does not reflect 'reality'. In fact it takes away the possibility of knowing reality and
    instead an open mind would increase the possibility of knowing the truth, accept and face it.

    Should we not create a pandemic of 'Action' by learning to build a raft, face and endure the troughs and crest, make friends with the sharks,
    and whales, build our inner strength and be guided by the Pole Star (human spirit).

    1. Yes, this is also a good, way out, but requires a lot of courage, so if u dare, great. Else feel safe in faith. Appreciate your thoughts vijayπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Aditya Gupta

    Very well written great going

  14. Very well said Sujadi! With the way the current times are, a feeling of hopelessness is very easy to settle in, natural rather. It's so important, yet difficult, but all the more important for people to know that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Probably easier said than done, easy for me to say from a place of relative privilege and luxury. But then, hope is what takes us through the tunnel.

  15. Suuuujaaaa.... Very nice.
    Hopes n Commitment are two different parts, one should understand..
    For Commitment s we need to struggle.
    And Hope is like a sweet dream.
    But without hope one cannot succeed.

    1. Hi Suja, well written. I liked the analogy of the log (belief) that you have mentioned.
      Can I forward the link to a friend of mine who would benefit from reading this?

  16. Hope is the last thing ever to be lost , keep it up

  17. Well expressed and so relatable to our life...bas aaj tak zindagi is pe tho tiki hai mere dost...hope is all that we have . I njoyed reading it thank you.

  18. Very well written. One has to keep faith and move forward

  19. Very well written.

    Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope.


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