R.I.P The day dawned with the R.I.P messages on social media for K.K and the mind raced down memory lanes. We the 90s people all relate to his songs as part of our nostalgic youth. Now, we are in our forties/fifties. His songs were a favorite for the farewells, n passing outs. Each, touching the right chord and we can still feel the lump in our throats. Again, May his soul rest in peace.... This is what has been on my mind all day. We pray for the soul after it has passed on... why don't we pray for the souls of our loved ones when they are amongst us?... Just a thought, I wanted to share. Nothing against the R.I.Ps! Its now so normal. Send/post an R.I.P and it's done. Like most of our reactions on social media. Honestly, do we have the time for anything more? Do we actually pray for that soul, unless it has been amongst us? Instead, if we say a B.I.P (Be in peace) consciously for the souls who are among...